We believe artificial intelligence has the power to change the world. This view is born from our personal experience. As technology entrepreneurs, whether it was NLP to build analytics on Japanese data or real-time cyber threat detection for military purposes, we have experienced the true power and impact of technology driven solutions.
Artificial intelligence is not a buzz word for us, it's the means to create impact at scale and make even the seemingly impossible possible. As investors in AI startups since 2017, we have seen it grow into the technology of choice and become even more powerful as multiple trends coalesce to produce a paradigm shift in how software is built and consumed. We have been fortunate to be part of this at ground level and to have met and invested in some of the smartest founders at the frontiers of AI.
When we founded SenseAI, it was with the intention to invest in the future, invest in creators. The future we saw was one in which artificial intelligence shall affect almost every aspect of business and life. As people we get excited by paradigm shifts and not just incremental features and are thus, passionate about entrepreneurs who are disrupting market spaces in a unique manner using AI.
We have partnered with many founders across geographies and sectors and more often than not been surprised by their imagination and execution. Strong firms get built not by just getting an investor but by having a friend, a coach, a mentor. Playing these roles for our startups has enabled us to witness first-hand their AI solutions impacting millions of users across industries like medicine, finance, travel, enterprise software, customer service, market research and cyber security.
Along the way, we have been joined by others who are as excited as us about the potential of AI and about being a part of one the biggest technology trends of our generation. But these are just the first steps in a thousand-mile journey - we are even more excited about the founders we are yet to meet and the products and startups that lie beyond our imagination.